How to win MegaMoon lottery ?

December 11, 2022
1 Mins Read
How to win MegaMoon Lottery ?
  • MegaMoon uses the chainlink VRF system to draw lottery prizes. So it ensures that we are transparent and fair, because we can’t know what the prize numbers will be and everyone can check our transactions via Polygonscan.

All participants have a chance to win the MegaMoon lottery 🔥🚀

🪙 You only need “ 1 matching number ” from left position to win a little prize.

💸 If you match more numbers from left to right, you will receive more rewards.

💰 If you match all 6 numbers, you will win the jackpot and receive all the prizes from the MegaMoon lottery rewards pool (after deducting all other prize distributions, read more at MegaMoon Winning Criteria)

Example of checking MegaMoon lottery ‼️

💥 Number matching will be count from left to right and stop counting  mismatched positions.

• Example A : Matching 3 numbers and the last 2 numbers. This will count  “ match 3 “ because the fourth number didn’t match. Matches need to be from left to right and stop counting the mismatched in the fourth position.

• Example B : Matching the last 5 numbers except the first position from left. This means that you didn’t win the MegaMoon lottery, because we count matching numbers from left to right.

If you win the MegaMoon lottery, rewards will be automatically deposited into your wallet .You need to prepare a little $Matic for gas fees in each transaction.

Please follow MegaMoon for more information📍📌





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