What is the benefit of decentralized lottery ?

December 12, 2022
1 Mins Read
What is the benefit of decentralized lottery ?

• Lottery are not legal in every country. Some countries are preventing people from selling/buying lottery tickets. Blockchain system removed the existing restriction. Decentralized system is on blockchain that no one owns It’s impartial, transparent and verifiable.

• Decentralized lottery allows anyone who dreams of winning big to buy lottery tickets in just a few simple steps. If you win the lottery prize, you can claim the prize immediately. There are no restrictions on receiving the price by cryptocurrency. Players are able to buy MegaMoon lottery anywhere as long as they have an internet connection.

• MegaMoon announces lottery prizes twice a day. We have short waiting time between each round so players won’t have to wait for a long period of time. MegaMoon rewards pool is from everyone who buys MegaMoon lottery tickets and 20 % from the Dealer pool. These two parts will make our lottery rewards pool very high value.

💥 MegaMoon are not just the platform for decentralized lottery, we also have other features for players to invest. This will increase the opportunities for you to make profits, for example, dealer system, exchange system, liquidity pool and many more in the future.

Please follow MegaMoon for more information and come to win huge profits.📍📌

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Medium: https://medium.com/@0xmegamoon

MegaMoon community: https://t.me/Oxmegamoonchat

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