How is MegaMoon lottery better than other lottery sites?

April 27, 2023
3 Mins Read
How is MegaMoon lottery better than other lottery sites?

Decentralized lottery offers several benefits, including transparency, fairness, and security through the use of blockchain technology. The system is open to anyone with an internet connection, and the results are tamper-proof, making it a reliable and trustworthy option for players. Additionally, decentralized lotteries often offer lower fees and higher payout percentages than traditional lotteries. Nowadays, there are many decentralized lottery platforms that have different formats and rules. But not all platforms offer good returns.

How is MegaMoon lottery different from other lottery websites?

  1. MegaMoon Dealer

MegaMoon is the first and only decentralized lottery platform that has a dealer system. The dealer system allows players to earn dividends without relying on luck, because all dealers will receive a share from the players who did not win the lottery and they also receive a 10% share from players who win the jackpot.

The unique peculiarity of the MegaMoon Dealer system is that it makes the MegaMoon prize pool higher than normal, because MegaMoon’s prize pool system comes from two parts: from all players who purchase MegaMoon lottery tickets and from all the money that dealers staking. As a result, MegaMoon’s prize pool is higher than other platforms such as Pancake Lottery , Swych Lottery , Pooltogether etc.

  1. No gas fees

Normally, with every transactions on Web3.0, all users are required to pay blockchain gas fees that creates complexity for wallet management. MegaMoon has Treasury system or central treasury which is responsible for collecting platform fees from all users to provide additional benefits to all users, such as paying blockchain fees to all users, develop the platform and give dividends to the MegaMoon referral system.

  1. The most valuable of jackpot prize

MegaMoon’s most valuable prize level is the jackpot. Players who match all 7 numbers in 6 positions correctly will win the jackpot and be eligible to receive all prize money from the MegaMoon prize pool. If there is no jackpot winner, the system will roll up the value of the total prize pool in the next round. Which is why MegaMoon’s prize money is higher than others.

  1. Unlimited access and no limit to earn rewards

The MegaMoon platform is a decentralized lottery platform where any player can participate anywhere in the world as long as there is an internet connection. There is also no limit on the number of lottery tickets you can buy and players who win MegaMoon lottery prizes can receive the full amount immediately without limits.

  1. Audited and has a reliable random reward system

The MegaMoon platform is controlled by smart contract which has already been audited by the Certik Audit system. Therefore, every participant can be assured that MegaMoon is transparent. Also, no one can interfere with the rewards with the Chainlink VRF system.

MegaMoon is a web3.0 lottery platform that intended to be the center of everyone who dreams to win a big prize. MegaMoon has a MegaMoon Dealer system that makes the prize structure unique. It also comes with a wide range of features that give participants the opportunity to manage their lottery game plans as they want.

MegaMoon platform is controlled by smart contract (Web3.0 ) and has been successfully verified by Certik Audit. So all participants can be assured that MegaMoon is transparent, everyone can’t interfere with Chainlink VRF system and MegaMoon also has a high prize value with MegaMoon Dealer system.

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