How to buy a MegaMoon lottery ticket ?

December 12, 2022
1 Mins Read
How to buy a MegaMoon lottery ticket ?
  • MegaMoon has a very simple process of buying lottery tickets, just prepare a little $Matic coin to enable your transaction. 1 MegaMoon lottery ticket is only 3 $USDT and we will use $Moon in the future. You don’t need to buy tons of lottery tickets, just buy a few lottery tickets and you will have a chance to win prizes up to 50% from the total rewards pool. The more participants, the higher value of the MegaMoon lottery rewards pool.

Method of buying MegaMoon lottery 💥🚀

1. Connect your wallet then chain to Polygon blockchain

2. Click Buy Lottery

3. Click Enable your transaction (This is to confirm the transaction and you will need to use $Matic to pay a little gas fees at the first time only)

4. Choose the amount of lottery tickets you want to purchase (Up to 100 tickets can be purchased per one time) MegaMoon has 2 ways to buy lottery tickets.

4.1 Buy Instantly 

  •  This method will randomly generate the number on all tickets that you want to buy . This is a fast and convenient way to purchase multiple tickets at once.

4.2 View / Edit Numbers 

  •  You can edit numbers you like on every lottery ticket that you want to buy. You can set numbers 0-9 at any position as needed.

5. Finish !! and you can check every ticket you have purchased on the MegaMoon website.

Please follow MegaMoon for more information and come to win huge profits.📍📌





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