MegaMoon Classroom: How to Stake ?

February 23, 2023
2 Mins Read
How to Stake ?

MegaMoon v2 has improved the Dealer system by adding an Inject to lottery function, allowing users to assign the percentage of tokens ($USDT) to the Dealer pool in each round. This allows dealers to create more profitable plans.

For those of you who still don’t understand how to stake, today we will tell you how to stake $USDT to become a MegaMoon Dealer in an easy way!!

  • we are going to discuss how to stake and how to inject your stake into the reward pool 🚀

1) Click on “Dealer” on MegaMoon Website

2) Click on “Stake”

3) Put in the amount you want to stake

4) Set the percentage of the stake you want to inject into each round

5) Click “Confirm” (Click “Sign”)

Then you will be able to join us as a MegaMoon Dealer to receive profits from players who didn’t win the MegaMoon lottery. In addition, dealers also receive a 10% share of jackpot winners.

Please follow MegaMoon for more details !!

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