If you win the MegaMoon lottery, what can you buy ?

February 27, 2023
3 Mins Read
If you win the MegaMoon lottery, what can you buy ?

Currently, the MegaMoon platform has been upgraded to MegaMoon V2. We have improved many features to be more user-friendly, such as players can connect and create crypto wallets via Google account, auto-buy system that makes users do not need to buy MegaMoon Lottery tickets every round, Invest per round system that allows MegaMoon dealers to plan investments for each round, MegaMoon Treasury system that helps manage gas fees for users , Referral system that allows players to earn additional dividends by inviting friends to buy MegaMoon lottery tickets etc.

In addition to various feature improvements, MegaMoon V2 comes with a new winning criteria that makes MegaMoon lottery winners and MegaMoon dealers receive more profitable.

  • New winning criteria

• If you win “Match 1” you will receive 10 $USDT
• If you win “Match 2” you will receive 100 $USDT
• If you win “Match 3” you will receive 1,000 $USDT
• If you win “Match 4” you will receive 10,000 $USDT
• If you win “Match 5” you will receive 100,000 $USDT

*Match 1-5 winners will receive full prize.

– If you win “Match 6” means you have win the jackpot and you will receive all $USDT from the MegaMoon lottery rewards pool. (The jackpot prize will divided by the amount of jackpot winners and distributed after other matching prizes and dealers have been deducted.)

  • If you win the MegaMoon lottery, what can you buy ?
  1. If you win “Match 1” you will receive 10 $USDT.

– You can spend on a variety of daily life, such as food expenses, daily necessities, travel expenses, buy more MegaMoon lottery tickets to win bigger prizes, etc.

2. If you win “Match 2” you will receive 100 $USDT.

– You can spend on a variety of basic needs, such as clothing, collectibles, online courses, appliances, amenities, buy more MegaMoon lottery tickets to win bigger prizes, etc.

3. If you win “Match 3” you will receive 1,000 $USDT.

– You can spend a variety of things according to your needs, such as travel, investment, musical instruments, brand-name products, high quality facilities, small vehicles, artwork, buy more MegaMoon lottery tickets to win bigger prizes, etc.

4. If you win “Match 4” you will receive 10,000 $USDT.

– You can spend a lot to improve your quality of life, such as investments, small businesses, high-quality amenities, vehicles, luxury branded items, housing improvements, buy more MegaMoon lottery tickets to win jackpot etc.

5. If you win “Match 5” you will receive 100,000 $USDT.

– You can spend on a variety of high-end needs and further development, such as buying stocks, doing big business, luxury vehicles, houses and land, study for a degree, gold and jewelry, rare or luxury products, buy more MegaMoon lottery tickets to win jackpot etc.

6. If you win “Match 6” means you have win the jackpot and you will receive all $USDT from the MegaMoon lottery rewards pool.

– The MegaMoon lottery rewards pool value accumulates with the number of rounds where there are no jackpot winners, so the jackpot prize value is very high. If you win the jackpot, it means you will instantly become a millionaire!!

Please follow MegaMoon for more details. !!

MegaMoon Website: https://megamoon.space/
MegaMoon Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xMegaMoon 
MegaMoon Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OxMegaMoon 
MegaMoon Medium: https://medium.com/@0xmegamoon
MegaMoon community: https://t.me/Oxmegamoonchat

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